The little things

The little things

I have a full toolbox for trips but that and recovery equipment take up a good deal of space. I have opted for some “mini” stuff that sits in the centre console box which has allowed me to fix minor problems and also help people on the road when they break down. It all fits into the console of my vehicle but can do amazing things in an emergency.

Everyone touts duct tape and cable ties but for me, self-annealing tape is the way to go as it just works so much better and is not damaged by any fuel source.

Then my ace is a mini kit with sockets and screwdriver bits its perfect for those small repairs on the vehicle as well as around the campsite. It comes with a small ratchet handle that makes things so much easier. The extension bar also makes it easy to get into difficult spots.

Add to this a mini “Coast” light and I can see in the dark if necessary.

But the real kit that does the work comes in a small leather pouch supplied by a German friend, we supplemented some of the kit but the pouch works so well.

With it I keep a mini “vice grip” which complements your pliers when you need an additional grip, in this case, I recall a burst tap in a lodge we stayed at in the Waterberg.

I eventually repacked the small pouch after having used it to assist a few people with minor emergencies around town and off-road.

Currently, it’s very basic and contains a few ring spanners, screwdrivers’ pliers and some open-ended spanners. Yet this small kit allowed me to rescue a stranded vehicle in the Richtersveld and bring it safely home to Jozi.

I have all sorts of gadgets and multi-tools but this little selection does the job for me, multi-tools are great but they can be a compromise as well, not entirely fulfilling the intended purpose. Especially if they do not have a corkscrew.

In the long run, it’s all about space and availability, if you do not have a few tools on a trip you can be helpless. In many cases, it is the minor things that go wrong. Be aware it could even be a small screw on your spectacles that needs tightening. So a suitable screwdriver is worth carrying, even if in your camera case. Mine happily fits into the corkscrew of my multi-tool.

And then never forget a decent pen to take notes as you travel.

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