It’s all in the box

Besides things your vehicle is supplied with such as a jack, wheel brace and jack handle as well as the compulsory warning triangle what do you carry in your vehicle for emergencies?

Well, a friend recently asked me this question as he was going on a trip and had no idea as to what he should take, we did the obvious and unpacked my toolbox so that he could see what he needed.

The toolbox is a simple steel box with no drawers as I find them finicky, it has two steel handles which I use to secure it to stop it from moving. Bear in mind that you can never have too many tools if you get stuck, if the problem is beyond your mechanical level someone else may be able to assist, even with something as simple as a screwdriver. The box is well packed and full, before a trip I place a small towel on top of everything, this ensures a snug fit without rattles. I am not going to cover spares for an overland trip as that in fact may be the basis of another column.

I have previously covered fire extinguishers, first aid kits and torches so will exclude them as well.

So without further ado, let’s get this unpacked;
- I am never without a selection of cable-ties The two tool rolls contain a full selection of spanners, files, pliers screwdrivers, bolt cutter as well as a folding saw for cutting wood.
- The small leather pouch is my daily carry which I simply slip under my seat. It is good in an emergency. A small axe, pop-riveter and some pre-drilled steel bars sit on the base of the box.
- Plastic boxes contain essentials such as globes, fuses allen keys, a folding torx set as well as clamps and self-annealing tape. One box contains a set of re-usable cable-ties which are far more eco-friendly than the single-use variety.
- A small socket set is a backup to my main set as it is useful for hard to reach spots that do not have much room. The main set has adapters, a ratchet, extensions and a t-bar which is great for changing a tyre.
- The small clear plastic jar contains a selection of metric nuts and bolts.
- Not pictured but completing the kit would be a roll of duct tape, leather gloves and a tin of WD40

The tools have been well used and have assisted in many an emergency, it’s fairly comprehensive, yet my most memorable repair was when a fuel line split and I used some aluminium from a coke can, self-annealing tape, duct tape and cable ties- the vehicle in question made it safely back to Jozi from KZN and he was able to drive around for a few days whilst his dealership ordered a spare part.