Why we travel

Why we travel

Over the last few years, we have travelled, each road-trip being a mini adventure, yet. Travel is crucial to our existence, being a Gemini I feel the need to break away regularly. It’s fun, exciting and allows me to explore my passion for landscape photography. It’s essential to my existence. The experience nurtures my soul.

Travel is a good way to learn about yourself and it benefits your personal growth. New places, people and experiences take you out of your comfort zone, you learn responsibility and independence and a different value system. I feel you become a better person.

Travel is an immersive experience that allows you to embrace different cultures and activities. You learn about the past, belief systems and cultures as well as history. You gain a different perspective on life. Apart from this you also get to explore regional cuisine and even see different animals if outdoors. You learn and grow.

Fresh terrain is exhilarating, we love new experiences, travel gives us that.

The excitement starts as you leave the home territory and builds en-route until you get to your final destination. Whatever you do, be it an adventure activity like a hike or even a supper with local food, you get a rush from the experience. And your photos are souvenirs.

Travel is good for your health, you tend to be more physical you walk, swim and your body benefits, it helps heart health and blood pressure. Psychologically travel has been proven to reduce stress which reduces anxiety and depression. You benefit from being active and alert on a physical and psychological level.

Travelling also establishes new friendships, you meet new people, this can be incredibly enriching. Travel connects in a personal way.

On some days you feel stuck in a rut or you yearn for a change, travel allows you a degree of escapism and affords new experiences and challenges. It tests you. Overcoming challenges is exhilarating, you feel capable and more confident.

We have so much to see and do in South Africa, exposing oneself to different places, scenery, animals and people add to one’s view of our country in many ways.

Without being macabre I have to say that I visit old cemeteries, they offer invaluable insight into the past history of an area, especially in areas where conflict may have taken place.

The beauty of remote spaces is the ability you have to disconnect and take time out, leave the phone, social media and e-mail, check-in if necessary early in the morning and perhaps later in the afternoon. This also helps you relax. If you use your phone then use it as a camera. Take memories, you can post them later. The beauty of many remote spots is the fact that Wi-Fi and a cellular signal are often not available. Travel is my therapy.

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