Our own little wolf…

In southern Africa we have our own little wolf – the Black-Backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas). Whilst a lion’s roar, or a hyaena’s whoop are decidedly calls of the savannah that remind us that we are part of the food chain, the black-backed jackals have a less threatening call (to us humans), known almost as well as the howl of the wolf. Their distinctive, evocative call is often heard just as the sun is setting, and the night is creeping in. Settling down around a fire as the evening closes in, with a glass of something cool to celebrate the day that has just ended, is a tradition. Hearing the jackals call is the cherry on top!
Ancient Egyptians believed that jackals were gods of the underworld, and that their evening yips and yowls were the haunting songs of the dead. The truth is much less macabre, and these sounds are merely communication. The howl is used to advertise its presence and may be answered by the neighbours. However, it is not the only noise they make. Each family is only attracted to the contract calls of its own family. When under attack they “gekker” (a series of stuttering throaty vocalizations when encountering a rival) and whines may be emitted by hungry pups. Adults give a rumbling growl, or a bark, to warn their pups to get back into the den.

Most humans focus on sound as a means to communicate, but in reality, body language is often the most significant way of communicating in the animal kingdom. (Perhaps this applies to humans too?) Their facial expressions and body postures reveal much. Aggression is indicated by ears being pricked forward, a wrinkling of the nose and exposure of canines by lifting of the lip. A submissive jackal flattens its ears back, narrows its eyes and exposes its teeth by pulling back the corners of its mouth.
All these behaviours combine to produce a wide array of expressions of the jackal’s feelings. It also uses its tail to communicate. Tucking it between its legs indicates fear or submission. Swishing it tensely from side-to-side indicates aggression. Arching it upwards indicates excitement. They also utter a repeated yapping when tailing a predator – this call can betray an irritated lion or leopard. Watching the black-backed jackals on a carcass will reveal many of these behaviours.

These animals have a reputation as scavengers. In truth they catch most of what they eat. How else would they be able to survive in areas devoid of large predators? Fruit to insects, rodents, birds. Reptiles to small antelope. All on the menu. They will even catch catfish and mullet when the pools start drying up. The do, however, often eat carrion if it is available, and they are able to locate it from over a kilometre downwind. Or from the squabbling at the carcass. Or by watching the vultures in the sky. Once there, they nip in, grab a chunk and then carry it to a safe distance from the other predators to eat.

Animal behaviour is always a function of the environment they find themselves in. The jackals in various areas in Namibia have adapted to take advantage of the harsh environment in which they find themselves… Whilst jackals drink if they can, they can go for weeks without drinking – getting moisture from fresh carrion and fruits. In Namibia they lick settled fog. Many survive near seal colonies, hunting seal pups and scavenging on dead seals.
The black-backed jackals are monogamous, and both parents take care of the young. Until the pups wean, the male will bring food to his mate and guard the den. When they start weaning, both parents regurgitate meat for the pups.
Jackals are also known to be detrimental to farmers, decimating their stock. But within this behaviour comes many really startling and interesting facts, and the development of “super jackals” – which we will explore next week…
Jacqui Ikin & The Cross Country Team
Black-backed jackal call: